Careers With Social Impact

Kelly O’Donnell ’11
Political Action Committee (PAC) Director
National Confectioners Association (NCA)
Washington, D.C.

Kelly currently serves as the Political Action Committee (PAC) Director of the National Confectioners Association. The CandyPAC is the confectionery industry’s political action committee managed by NCA. The CandyPAC contributes to current and prospective congressional candidates who support the confectionery industry. Before joining the National Confectioners Association, she served as the PAC director for various organizations, including the National Association of REALTORS©, TriNet, and the Farm Credit Council.

Kelly would be happy to support students who are interested in the Wesleyan in Washington program, Greek Life, or pursuing a career in politics and government, or trade associations by:

  • Speaking with a student virtually or on the phone
  • Presenting to a student organization
  • Conducting a virtual webinar
  • Mentoring a student
  • Conducting a personal webinar
  • Mentoring a student
  • Serving as a resume-reviewer for OWU students and/orlumni
  • Participating in OWU events such as speed networking, mock interviewing, panels, etc.

Kelly majored in Politics & Government at OWU, where she was a member of Delta Gamma and Wesleyan in Washington.