
A.J. Alonzo ’13
Director of Marketing
Boston, MA

A.J. oversees all of the content creation & promotion, branding, SEO, and partnership efforts for DemandDrive. He also supports the sales team through lead management, driving inbound interest, and helping them create presentation assets to speed up our sales cycle.

He is happy to be contacted by anyone with an interest in Business for:

  • Speaking with a student virtually or on the phone
  • Mentoring a student
  • Assisting OWU Alumni (recent Alumni, or Alumni in transition)
  • Hosting a student for an externship or shadowing experience

A.J. was a Managerial Economics major at OWU and he was also involved with Model United Nations, Firedogs Ultimate Frisbee, Orientation Leader, Residential Representative - Student Government, Academic Policy Committee - Student Representative, and Economics Management Fellow (EMF). Currently, he is one of the 2013 Class Leaders for the giving office.