Contact Info
Career Connection
Slocum 207
Delaware, Ohio 43015
Slocum 207
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3152
(It should be noted that some respondents are both employed and in graduate school.)
Degree | Percentage |
M.A. | 20.6% |
Other* | 18.9% |
M.S. | 17.2% |
Ph.D. | 13.7% |
J.D. | 6.9% |
M.F.A. | 5.2% |
M.D. | 5.2% |
M.P.A. | 5.2% |
M.B.A. | 3.4% |
M.Div. | 3.4% |
* C.P.N.A., D.P.T., D.O., D.V.M., M.Ed., M.M., M.P.H., M.P.P., M.S.W., Bach. Culinary Arts, Accred.
Area | Percentage |
Social Sciences | 25.8% |
Natural Sciences | 15.5% |
Business | 10.3% |
Medicine | 10.3% |
Fine Arts | 8.6% |
Health Services | 8.6% |
Law | 6.9% |
Humanities | 5.2% |
Theology | 3.4% |
Math / Phys. Sci. | 1.7% |
Area | Percentage |
Education | 18.9% |
Business | 12.6% |
Social Services | 10.5% |
Health / Medicine | 9.4% |
Finance | 8.4% |
Environmental | 6.3% |
Government | 6.3% |
Communications | 5.2% |
Technology | 5.2% |
Sports | 4.2% |
Arts | 3.1% |
Energy | 3.1% |
Museum / Library | 2.1% |
Science | 2.1% |
Other* | 2.1% |
* Architecture, Tourism
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