Fall Externship CoHorts:
Each year over Fall Break, students travel for 2.5 days with fellow OWU students to participate in this career exploration program. They shadow alumni during the day, network downtown with alumni at night, and experience life in a city. Boston, Chicago, Columbus, and Washington, DC have served as past Fall Externship destination locations. The Bishop Externship program is offered to students across all majors. Travel, lodging, and program event expenses are provided through an alumni donation.
Employers where students have been hosted as externs by Alumni include:
- Columbus Recreation & Parks: McKnight Outdoor Education Center
- COSI (Center for Science & Industry)
- ZHF Consulting, Columbus
- SWACO - Solid Waste Authority of Central OH
- State of Ohio House of Representatives
- USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, Washington, DC
- Corporation for National & Community Service, Washington, DC
- Urban Teachers, Washington, DC
- Horton's Kids, Washington, DC
- League School of Greater Boston
- HubSpot, Boston
- GreenCore, USA, Boston
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
- Networlding, Chicago
- Tris3ct, Chicago
Washington DC is our destination location in October 2019.
Spring Externships:
During the March Spring Break, Career Services recruits alumni from across the country to host students as Externs for a period of 1-5 days. Spring Break Externships do not have the formal structure of the Fall program, yet still provide an excellent opportunity for students to explore a potential career path, gain valuable job experience, and engage with OWU alumni working in various career fields and industries.
Employers where students have been hosted as externs by Alumni include:
- The Columbus Foundation, Columbus, OH
- Precision Health Media, NYC, NY
- Goodman Media International, NYC, NY
- Yale Peabody Museum of National History, New Haven, CT
- Ally Financial, Detroit, IL
- Grange Insurance, Columbus, OH
- Akron's Children's Hospital, Akron, OH
- Carter, Lipps, & Leland, LLC, Columbus, OH
- Kinetix, Atlanta, GA
- Vermont Rural Water Association, Essex Junction, VT
- Fassett, Anthony & Taylor, PA, Orlando, FL
- Red Capital Group, Columbus, OH
- The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
For more information about Externships, contact Mindy Agin, Assistant Director for Internships and Externships at externships@owu.edu.