Careers With Social Impact

Are you looking for a career that will enable you to serve others and address tough social problems? In this career community, you can explore opportunities in Law & Social Justice, Human & Social Services, Social Entrepreneurship, Nonprofits, Government, and International Affairs & Public Policy.

Community Events

Resume Workshop

Whether you are tuning up your resume for an internship application or coming to build your very first resume, these resume workshops are for you! Get major specific resume guidance for Social Impact Majors and opportunities and get your resume in tip-top shape!

Careers with Social Impact Resume Workshop -

September 15th, 2022 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

February 15th, 2023 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm


GiveBackHack helps create sustainable community impact through social entrepreneurship. They partner with local companies, foundations, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators to develop solutions to our most pressing social issues. 

More details for 2022-2023 Coming soon!

More Information

Past Events

Success Series

Every major opens up countless pathways to career opportunities. These workshops focus on engaging with OWU alumni who received the same major as you and are now working in a variety of sectors and careers. There will be one Success Series Panel for each major in the Careers with Social Impact cohort over the 2021-2022 school year! Come chat with alumni and your peers and get helpful insights, feedback, and networking opportunities!

Program Recordings:

Success Series: Africana, Gender, and Identity Studies

Success Series: International Studies

Success Series: Politics and Government

Success Series: Psychology

Success Series: Sociology/Anthropology

Careers With Social Impact

Please see our extensive list of Alumni Partners who are eager to help students and fellow Alumni with their career and professional goals. The individuals on this page are happy to be contacted for 1:1 conversations, presentation invitations, and other engagements. Please click on their profiles to learn more and to see their contact details. We encourage students, faculty, Alumni, and staff to engage with these Alumni and form valuable OWU Connections.