Any University Organization or department that needs to obtain a fire permit for a registered event must do the following:
- Register the event by doing the following:
- University Organizations and SLUs must register the event through OrgSync
- University departments must reserve the event location through the Calendar Office at
- Have a representative contact in person the Department of Public Safety at least three (3) weeks prior to the event date to submit all information necessary to obtain the permit (name of student organization or University department requesting the permit: name, date, time and location of event: location of the fire pit: and contact information of the representative making the request). In turn, Public Safety personnel will obtain the fire permit from the Delaware city Fire Department and contact the representative of the organization or department for pick up.
- Have a representative of the student organization or University department take the fire permit to the Department of Buildings and Grounds (B&G) to request setup of the necessary equipment. In order to allow B&G enough time to staff the event, the fire permit and account billing information must be submitted to B&G at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.