The Welch Meritorious Teaching Award

The Bishop Herbert Welch Meritorious Teaching Award was established in 1962-63 by the New York Alumni Association for the purpose of recognizing outstanding teachers at Ohio Wesleyan University. The award is made annually at Commencement (or an equally appropriate occasion) to one recipient chosen secretly by the Faculty Personnel Committee, and is accompanied by a stipend. All full-time teaching faculty members on regular appointment are eligible to be nominated. The basis for selection is to be distinguished service in teaching which has made significant contribution to the academic climate at Ohio Wesleyan University. Persons who have once received the award are not eligible to receive it a second time. The names of Meritorious Teachers will be entered on an appropriate plaque, to be displayed permanently in an appropriate place on campus.


  1. Recipients shall have demonstrated distinguished service in teaching which has made significant contribution to the academic climate at Ohio Wesleyan University.
  2. The Meritorious Teacher shall:
    1. Possess a comprehensive, scholarly knowledge of his/her field and an abiding interest in the area of study.
    2. Organize and present his/her subject matter effectively, so that what is taught is consistent with the objectives of the course and is related to other fields of learning and human activity.
    3. Stimulate thinking and develop understanding in such a way that students are challenged to critical thinking and self-directed interest in the field of knowledge.
    4. Arouse student interest by making the subject matter relevant and significant to them in personal terms and in relation to their educational purposes.
    5. Make good use of human and material resources that are available to the course and the specific class or situation.
  3. Other factors which may be pertinent:
    1. Assistance to students involving individual and group problems.
    2. Contribution to research and publication in the area of subject matter taught.
    3. Participation in professional organizations or groups.
    4. Contribution to the development of his/her department, or the University.
    5. Participation in worthy student and community activities.


  1. The Faculty Personnel Committee shall recommend to the President a recipient of the award in any given year. Members of the Committee and faculty spouses of members shall not be eligible.
  2. By means of an appropriate general announcement, faculty, staff, students, and alumni may suggest candidates to the Faculty Personnel Committee.
  3. The name of the person selected shall be kept secret until the time of actual award.

List of Awardees