Upper Extremity Performance Changes in Division III Collegiate Swimmers Over a Competitive Season

Students: Tyler Mansfield, Morgan Barnard, and Liz Mayio
Mentor: Andrew Busch (OWU Department of Health & Human Kinetics)

Collegiate swimmers and coaches are always looking to improve athletic performances. Shoulder strength and shoulder flexibility are two factors that may correlate improved performance throughout a season. The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in shoulder strength and ROM over the course of a collegiate season.

Thirty-four collegiate swimmers (males =15, females =19, age =19.38 ± 1.26 years, height = 1.76 ± 0.098m, mass = 73.55 ± 12.66kg) were assessed during the pre-season and post-season in shoulder strength and ROM. Athletic performance was assessed and quantified by determining the amount of personal bests each athlete swam. Twenty-nine athletes completed both the pre and post-season testing.

We completed a paired samples t-test between preseason and postseason results. The results that were significant are as follows, right internal rotation (t=7.378, p=0.000), right external rotation (t=5.123, p=0.000), right total range of motion (t-6.804, p=0.000), left internal rotation =8.511, p=0.000), left external rotation (t=7.155, p=0.000), left total range of motion (t=10.998, p=0.000), right internal strength (t=-3.213, p=0.003), right scapular strength t=2.551, p=0.017), left external strength (t=-2.235, p=0.034), left scapular strength (t=2.484, p=0.020).

More information about this project in Digital Commons @ OWU

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Delaware, OH 43015
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