Amanda Barry ’17

Project TitleExploring Memory Impairment in a Rural Community in Tanzania: Trends and Reflections
Mentor – Ali Skandor

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Sarah Bergman ’18

Project TitleCurcumin Enhances T2 Bacteriophage Yield in E. coli
Mentor – Gerald Goldstein

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Emily Bishop ’18

Project TitleA study of Lonicera maackii: Understanding the proliferation through time of this invasive plant species
Mentor – Nathan Rowley

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Amanda Boyle ’17

Project TitleFood Inequality in Delaware
Mentor – Paula White

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Julia Anne Caple ’20

Project TitleForum Theatre for Sexual Assault Prevention
Other Student Participants – Beverly King ’20, Becca Porter ’19
Mentor – Ed Kahn

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Jeanette Chang ’17

Project TitleThe Effect of Curcumin on Adenylyl Cyclase Expression in Escherichia Coli
Mentor – Suren Ambegaokar

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Gabi Coty ’17

Project TitlePrimary Mathematics Education Methodologies
Mentor – Paula White

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Mary Cranley ’18

Project TitleGinger Extract Inhibits T2 Bacteriophage Yield in E. coli
Mentor – Gerald Goldstein

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Larynn Cutshaw ’17

Project TitleGEOG 499: Sustainability Seminar
Other Student Participants – Ryan Bishop ’18, Eva Blockstein ’19, Maddy Coalmer ’17, Sarah Hanes ’18, Emily Howald ’17, James Ormerod ’17, Elizabeth Sommerdorf ’17, Sydney Spotts ’17
Mentor – John Krygier

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Larynn Cutshaw ’17

Project TitleEcological, Economical, and Social Dependence on Coral Triangle Tuna Fisheries
Mentor – Nathan Rowley

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Kyle Davis ’19

Project TitleSong Sparrows: As Temperature Decreases Body Size Increase, Always?
Mentor – Dustin Reichard

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Kayla Eggleston ’17

Project TitleBroccoli or Candy: What Should I Feed my Captive Bird?
Mentor – Dustin Reichard

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Emma Felty ’19

Project TitleIntersectionality of The Alt-Right Group
Other Student Participants – Ares Harper ’19, Mallory Griffith ’18
Mentor – Paul Dean

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Natalie French ’17

Project TitleQueering Young Adult Literature
Mentor – Paula White

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Serena George ’19

Project TitleThe Effect of Glyphosate on Feather-Degrading Bacteria
Mentor – Laura Tuhela-Reuning

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Xuzhou He ’17

Project TitleDynamics of Hippocampal Circuit described by Hodgkin-Huxley Model
Mentor – Pamela B. Pyzza

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Chloe Holmes ’18

Project TitleExamining Three French Films Through the Lens of Ethnofiction
Other Student Participants – Meg Teitelman ’18, Yitie Chen ’17
Mentor – Ana Oancea

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Emily Howald ’18

Project TitleStochasticity in a Loggerhead Turtle Population Matrix Model and Conservation Implications
Mentors – Amy Downing, Craig Jackson

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Matthew Mehaffy ’17

Project TitleConstruction Alternatives to Capitalism
Mentor – Doug Bush

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Kiersten Payne ’17

Project Title500 Years Later: Christianity in Post-Christian Wittenberg
Mentor – David L. Eastman

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Kiersten Payne ’17

Project TitleThe Language of Heresy in Christian Tradition
Mentor – Susan Gunasti

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Christopher Pessell ’18

Project TitleSeasonal Lakes: Modeling Meltwater on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Mentor – Nathan Rowley

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Emily Phillips ’17

Project TitleThe Score is Strong with this One: A Musical Analysis of the Star Wars Saga
Mentor – Frank Chiou

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Marlene Polio ’17

Project TitleChinese Assimilation in the United States through Immigration and Education
Other Student Participants – Grace Mitchener ’17, Breanna Riggle ’18
Mentor – Darrell Albon

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Pacia Purcell ’18

Project TitleIdentifying the potential expansion of the Walnut Twig Beetle, Pityophthorus juglandis, to Black Walnut trees, Juglans nigra
Mentor – Nathan Rowley

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Rachael Quick ’17

Project TitleThrough the Lens of Realism: The Documentary Genre
Other Student Participants – Elikem Gadzekpo ’17, Mariama Goodwin ’17
Mentor – Ana Oancea

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Memé Salazar Rodriguez ’17

Project TitleThe Legacy of the African Diaspora Through Slavery in Afro-Brazilian Identity
Other Student Participants – Kadra-Ayan Ahmed ’17

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Margaret Rohrs ’17

Project TitleThe Historical Context of Queer Characters and Censorship in Comic Books
Mentor – Nancy Comorau

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Katherine Romeo ’18

Project TitleI Just Wanna Break the Rules: Idealism in the Filmic Representation of the French Education System
Other Student Participants – Kristen Nooney ’18, Claudio D’ambrosio ’19
Mentor – Ana Oancea

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Alexander Sánchez ’20

Project TitleAna de Mendoza: Her Role as a Mother in the Court of Phillip II of Spain
Mentor – Glenda Nieto Cuebas

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Jessica Sanford ’17

Project TitleAmerican Democracy Upheld by Religion: Connecting Durkheim to Tocqueville
Mentor – Susan Gunasti

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Jessica Sanford ’17

Project TitleA New Genre of Film: Fictional Documentary
Other Student Participants – Kaillie Winston ’17
Mentor – Ana Oancea

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Kayla Schafhausen ’17

Project TitleCommon Core Standards: More Than A Meme
Mentor – Katherine Glenn-Applegate

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Cemaliye Semmedi ’17

Project TitleRefugee Crisis in France
Other Student Participants – Harang Jung ’17, Michael Mora Brenes ’17, Memé Salazar Rodriguez ’17
Mentor – Glenda Nieto Cuebas

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Cemaliye Semmedi ’17

Project TitleEffects of Metyrapone on Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in Rats
Mentor – Jennifer Yates

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Carson Shaw ’18

Project TitleHow Healthcare and Culture Impacts Cost and Experience of Sex Reassignment Surgery in Various Sites of Europe
Mentor – Richelle Schrock

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Elizabeth Sizer ’18

Project TitlePhysical Fences and Social Boundaries: The Human Implications of Privatizing Nature in Patagonia Park
Mentor – Jennifer Mokos

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Andrew Smith ’17

Project TitleThe Length of Antisense RNA Indirectly Inhibits Translation of Beta-Galactosidase and Urease Enzymes
Mentor – Gerald Goldstein

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Samuel Stull ’17

Project TitleAntibodies Suggestive of Immunity to Hepatitis A and B Are Not Detected in the Majority of Adolescents and Young Adults Seeking Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Mentor – Kira Bailey

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Kelly Summers ’17

Project TitleInfluence of Sex and Ambient Temperature on Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Dusting Behavior
Mentor – Shala Hankison

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Isabel Taylor ’18

Project TitleEvaluating Methods of Collective Action and Movement Building for Prison Reform and Abolition in Central Ohio
Other Student Participants – Philippos Alevizopoulos ’19, Deji Adebiyi ’19
Mentor – Paul Dean

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Meaghan Teitelman ’17

Project TitleMobilizing for Immigration Rights and Justice
Other Student Participants – Robyn Madrishin ’17, Cindy Huynh, ’18
Mentor – Paul Dean

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Joseph Thorp ’20

Project TitleUsing Performance Art to Show How LGBTQ+ Organizations Address Issues
Other Student Participants – Melanie Doweiko ’20, Madeline Oslejsek ’17
Mentor – Paul Dean

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Abbigail Turner ’20

Project TitleParrotfish Grazing Rates Effect on Algal and Coral Abundance
Other Student Participants – Ingrid Hanson ’20, Alexis Shomon, Erin Magill ’20
Mentors – Craig Jackson, Amy Downing

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Susannah Wright ’17

Project TitleEffectiveness of Harvester Ant Mounds as Sample Sources Based on Geographic Comparison of Oxfordian (Jurassic) Marine Fauna, Wyoming, USA
Mentor – Keith Mann

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Julianne Zala ’17

Project TitleThe Intersections of Queerness and the Arab Jew
Mentor – Michal Raizen

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Merrick Hall
65 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3075

OWU Connection Programs
Merrick Hall